The most recent HM Treasury report confirms the region is continuing to lose out in terms of public...
Transport for the East Midlands (TfEM) has offered a cautious welcome to the Government’s Rail White Paper (Williams-Shapps...
Political and business leaders from across the East Midlands have reacted angrily to proposals suggesting the region’s HS2...
Midlands Engine Chairman Sir John Peace will today (28.10.20) announce the vision for the area and the proposed...
Local leaders in the East Midlands will have a more influential role in deciding how rail services can...
Political leaders in the Midlands and the North are demanding an early start to HS2 as new research...
The East Midlands Submission to the NIC’s Rail Needs (HS2) Assessment Call for Evidence has been published today...
A £2.7 billion transport plan to guarantee fast, frequent connections to the HS2 East Midlands Hub station at...
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