Yearly Monthly List
December 2024

ADSO – Becoming a Democratic Services Officer – An Introduction Sold Out Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting an opportunity to attend this interactive, virtual course ‘Becoming a DSO – an introduction’ held via Zoom.  Specifically designed for those taking their first steps into the world of Democratic Services, this course is aimed at those in the first twelve weeks of starting. This is a quick introduction, designed to give […]
10 Dec
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom
January 2025

ADSO – Just a Minute Last Few Tickets Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting the highly popular course ‘Just a Minute’.   Just a Minute will be delivered as two, virtual three-hour workshops.  Delegates will be required to attend both of the virtual workshops. Audience This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who are required to take minutes of meetings.   The target audience will be those who are […]
14 Jan
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom

ADSO – Overview and Scrutiny Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting a virtual it’s highly popular course ‘Overview and Scrutiny’.  The course will be delivered as two, virtual three-hour workshops.  Delegates will be required to attend both of the virtual workshops. Audience This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of the main principles, roles and methodology […]
23 Jan
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom
February 2025

ADSO – Meetings Procedures Last Few Tickets Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting the popular course ‘Meetings Procedures’.  It will be delivered as two virtual 3-hour workshops.  Delegates are required to attend both workshops. Audience This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to further develop their understanding of the legal and governance framework within which councils operate and the practical application of this to […]
04 Feb
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom

ADSO – Law and Practice of Local Government Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting the interactive, virtual course ‘Law and Practice of Local Government’.  The course will be delivered as two, virtual three-hour workshops.  Delegates will be required to attend both of the virtual workshops. Audience This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of the legal framework within which […]
06 Feb
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom

ADSO – Introduction to Health Service Governance Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting an interactive, virtual course ‘Introduction to Health Service Governance’.  This will be delivered as two, three-hour virtual workshops held via Zoom with delegates being required to attend both workshops. Audience Are you currently in the NHS working at bands 5-8? Or are you working in local government with health scrutiny committees or […]
26 Feb
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom
March 2025

ADSO – Ethics & Standards Virtual Event

ADSO will be running an interactive, virtual course ‘Ethics and Standards.  The course will be delivered as two, three-hour long workshops held virtually. Audience This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of the legal framework within which councils operate and the practical application of this to the range […]
05 Mar
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

ADSO – Working in a Political Environment Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting the interactive, virtual course ‘Working in a Political Environment’.  This will be delivered as two, virtual 3-hour workshops.  Delegates will be required to attend both of the virtual workshops. Audience This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to work more effectively with elected members. The target audience will be […]
18 Mar
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom

ADSO – Becoming a Democratic Services Officer – An Introduction Virtual Event

ADSO is hosting a virtual course ‘Becoming a DSO – an introduction’ held via Zoom. This is a quick introduction, designed to give you some essentials and to give you the chance to ask questions and meet other new starters.  It will be delivered as a single 3-hour workshop. Audience This course is aimed at […]
20 Mar
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Virtual via Zoom
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