Age Assessment Training

East Midlands Councils SMP, in collaboration with NAAB are pleased to offer a two day course on Age Assessment Training.

Date: Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd January 2024  10am-4pm Cost: FREE. 

Venue, Day One: Menphys Hub, Bassett Street, South Wigston, Wigston Leicestershire LE18 4PE

Venue, Day Two: Council Chambers, Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8RA

Facilities: There is parking available at both venues – Menphys has a smaller car park but there is also on street parking available. County Hall has parking at the rear which is free.

Refreshments will be provided. You can bring your own lunch or purchase from the cafeteria, available on both sites.


The NAAB aims to be a centre of excellence for conducting age assessments referred by authorities with responsibility for looking after children, as well as conducting age assessments for the Home Office. Additionally, the NAAB provides training, advice and support to authorities who continue to complete their own age assessments.

Leaning outcomes of the training:

  • Day 1: Understand the background and context of age assessments, as well as case law & best practice guidance.
  • Day 2: How to prepare, undertake and write-up a case law compliant age assessment

Facilitator:  Andy Martin Social Work Lead – Training, Development & Engagement National Age Assessment Board (NAAB) Resettlement, Asylum Support and Integration (RASI) Home Office

The training is for East Midlands Councils LA Members

When booking please ensure to include your name, which Local Authority you work for and your Job Title.

Cancellations: All cancellations should be notified by e-mail prior to the closing date. Please note that all cancellations after the closing date will be charged at the seminar rate even if you have not provided a purchase order number. Submission of a booking form or online booking denotes acceptance of this condition. Should you have to cancel after the closing date, you can avoid this cancellation fee by substituting someone to attend in your place. For events/webinars which are free to attend, a cancellation fee of £50 + VAT will be charged if cancelled after the closing date and a substitute cannot be found. Further details on terms and conditions of bookings are below.

FULLY BOOKED (below) For further enquiries please contact: 

NB: Colleagues from Leicestershire County Council, please do not book online, contact me directly to book your place.Thanks.


Upcoming Dates for this event

Date: 22/01/2024 – 23/01/2024

Time: 10:00 – 16:00

Deadline for booking tickets: Fri 19 Jan 2024

Venue: Leicestershire County Council, , Leicester


22 - 23 Jan 2024


10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Council Chambers
Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8RA

Other Locations

Menphys Hub
Bassett Street, South Wigston, Wigston Leicestershire LE18 4PE