Home Events - East Midlands Councils Challenge Consulting Officer Handling Difficult Situations and People

Handling Difficult Situations and People


The course is for any manager or individual who comes into conflict situations with others, or is required to diffuse difficult situations.


To enable participants to explore their own behaviour and to rationalise the behaviour in others. Often individuals are not in themselves “difficult”, it is the situation that presents itself that leads to this. This course will provide practical ways to maintain positive relationships and to avoid hostile situations which could escalate.


By the end of the course, delegates will:

  • Understand the range of “difficult” behaviours displayed by others and recognise their own triggers and reactions to each.
  • Have learned techniques to rationalise behaviours in themselves and others and to clarify end goals.
  • Be able to plan their approach and employ techniques to allow consideration on both sides without losing ground.
  • Understand how difficult situations escalate into conflict and how this can be managed to maintain positive relationships.

Cost & Closing Date for Bookings:

We have negotiated a discounted rate for EMC members of £255.00pp + VAT which represents more than a 10% discount from the training provider Challenge Consulting.  This discount is achievable only by booking through ourselves. Please ensure you have read Challenge Consulting’s Terms & Conditions before booking to view their cancellation policy.

The closing date for bookings is 6th September.


27 Sep 2024


9:30 AM - 4:30 PM




Challenge Consulting
Nottingham Road, Woodborough, Nottingham, NG14 6EH


East Midlands Councils