Home Events - East Midlands Councils ADSO ADSO – Becoming a Monitoring Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer

ADSO – Becoming a Monitoring Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer

ADSO is hosting a virtual course ‘Becoming a Monitoring Officer/Deputy Monitoring Officer’ held via Zoom.

This 3-hour virtual course aims to provide a practical perspective and guidance on the role of DSO/DSM as a Monitoring Officer or Deputy Monitoring Officer.

Whilst the Course will briefly cover the legislative position, the main aim is to give practical advice and tips on how to undertake the MO/DMO role as a DSO/DSM and how this may differ from the way in which a Legal Services Manager and other senior officers may undertake the role.


This course is designed for newly appointed Monitoring Officers/Deputy Monitoring Officers (less than 1-2 years’ experience) or for DSO’s/DSM’s aspiring to take on this role in the future.

Learning Outcomes

This informative and interactive session supports the following learning outcomes:

  • An understanding of the statutory and other roles of a Monitoring Officer/DMO
  • An explanation of the Section 5 duty to report as well as other responsibilities, for example in relation to member conduct.
  • The key relationships a Monitoring Officer/DMO needs to have with a range of stakeholders, both internally and externally to the council.
  • The opportunity to explore and share challenges and experiences as a Monitoring Officer/DMO



The course will cover the following aspects:

  • Introductions & Course Objectives
  • Statutory position
  • Democratic Advantage & Basic principles for DSO as MO/DMO
  • Using your skills and knowledge in the role
  • Do’s, Don’ts and Help
  • Issues, experience and challenges faced.


How the Course will be delivered

This will be delivered as a 3-hour virtual workshop on Zoom.  There will be presentation of information (with slides available afterwards), scenario learning in break out groups, question and answer opportunities with the trainers and learning with other participants. You will also be provided with a range of handouts containing useful resources and further information to continue your learning.



Tracy Couper has been Democratic Services Manager at East Cambridgeshire District Council since 2005 and Deputy Monitoring Officer since 2015.  This is her 37th year in Democratic Services and previously she has held senior roles at Bedfordshire County Council prior to its abolition, Peterborough City Council during the transition period to it becoming a Unitary Council and started her career at Huntingdonshire District Council.  She has been Clerk to the Fire Authority whilst at Bedfordshire and more recently involved in the establishment of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.  Tracy has recently retired from her current LA role but is keen to share her experience.

Karen Widdowson is currently Democratic Services Manager and Deputy Monitoring Officer at Charnwood Borough Council. She is an experienced Democratic Services practitioner having worked in the profession for 20+ years across all key areas of Democratic Services including meetings and civic support, member development, scrutiny, citizenship and elections.  Karen has worked for several types of local authority which has built up extensive knowledge and experience about local government decision making and different political arrangements.  Karen is also an ADSO qualifications assessor and trainer, and an Independent Person for Sheffield and Barnsley Councils.


Date and Time

10th  September 2024 9.30am – 12.30pm


  • ADSO Member rate – £55 + VAT per person to attend the course
  • Non-ADSO Member rate – £80 + VAT per person to attend the course


How to book a place

Please book a place using the link below.  The terms and conditions of booking can be found here.

Booking requirements

  • A purchase order number is required for all bookings.  Please make the PO out to ADSO. Courses cannot be attended if a purchase order is not received.
  • A hardcopy of the purchase order is required.
  • Please provide us with your ADSO Membership number (if applicable)
  • A few days after booking you will receive a calendar invite for the workshop(s).  Please note that your email address will be visible to all participants unless you advise us otherwise.
  • Please send the above information to adsotraining@emcouncils.gov.uk.
Sold out!


10 Sep 2024


9:30 AM - 12:30 PM



Virtual Event


Virtual via Zoom


East Midlands Councils