Home Events - East Midlands Councils ADSO ADSO – Council and Its Governance

ADSO – Council and Its Governance

ADSO is hosting ‘Council and its Governance Arrangements’ which will be delivered as two three-hour workshops held virtually.  Delegates will be required to attend both of the virtual workshops.


This course is aimed at Democratic Services Officers who wish to develop their understanding of the different types of governance arrangements and the role of Council meetings.  The target audience will be those who are relatively new to democratic service teams and those with a few years’ experience.

The content is also linked to the Council and Governance module of the ADSO Certificate so it will help learners with their research for this module.

How the course will be delivered

The course will be delivered virtually, to maximise the delegates learning experience the course has been broken into two virtual workshops.

The workshops will;

  • provide an understanding of good governance principles and how they apply to democratic services
  • provide an understanding of the internal governance arrangements by which councils exercise their powers
  • examine the differences between Leader & Cabinet and the Committee systems
  • explore how the Full Council meeting operates in different governance settings.

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with democratic service officers from across the country.

Trainers – Ian Millichap & Michelle Beaumont

Ian has over 30 years’ experience of working in local government and has spent 15 years in senior roles.  He has previously worked for London Borough of Southwark as head of the committee governance team.  Ian has Clerked Full Council, Cabinet and all Major Committees and has experience of both Committee and Executive arrangements.

Michelle is currently a Democratic Services Manager at the London Borough of Richmond and has worked in Democratic and Member Services at both the London boroughs of Richmond and Wandsworth and Spelthorne Borough Council since 2013. She has also been an active ADSO member holding several positions including joint Company Secretary (2020-21), Qualifications Manager (2021-present) and assessor (2018 – present). Michelle was recently appointed Training Officer for NACO having managed both the Richmond and Wandsworth Civic Office. Michelle also supports the elections for Richmond and Spelthorne as senior presiding officer and assistant count supervisor. Outside of work Michelle is a keen runner and runs a marathon every year for the Mayor’s charities.

Dates and times

The course is made up of two virtual workshops, delegates are required to attend both workshops.

Workshop One: Wednesday 2nd October 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm
Workshop Two: Wednesday 9th October 2024, 9.30am-12.30pm


  • ADSO Member rate – £110 + VAT per person to attend the course both workshops
  • Non-ADSO Member rate – £160 + VAT per person to attend the course both workshops

Please email adsotraining@emcouncils.gov.uk if you wish to be allocated a learner place.

How to book a place

To book a place please use the online booking form via the link below. Please note that you only need to book on 2nd October course date to be able to attend both workshops.

The terms and conditions of booking can be found here.

Booking requirements

  • A purchase order number is required for all bookings made out to ADSO.  Courses cannot be attended if a purchase order is not received.
  • A hardcopy of the purchase order is required.
  • Please provide us with your ADSO Membership number (if applicable)
  • A few days after booking you will receive a calendar invite for the workshop(s).  Please note that your email address will be visible to all participants unless you advise us otherwise.
  • Please send the above information to adsotraining@emcouncils.gov.uk



Sold out!


02 Oct 2024


9:30 AM - 12:30 PM




Virtual via Zoom


East Midlands Councils