Home Events - East Midlands Councils ADSO ADSO – Introduction to Health Service Governance

ADSO – Introduction to Health Service Governance

ADSO is hosting an interactive, virtual course ‘Introduction to Health Service Governance’.  This will be delivered as two, three-hour virtual workshops held via Zoom with delegates being required to attend both workshops.


  • Are you currently in the NHS working at bands 5-8?
  • Or are you working in local government with health scrutiny committees or keen to explore a career in the NHS?


If so, this course will help you understand the key questions, drivers and decisions driving health service governance aiding working together.  It will also demonstrate how your local authority governance skills can be applied in another setting to aid career development.


The workshops will provide an overview of NHS governance including:

  • Its structure and functions
  • The law and guidance that surrounds it
  • How leadership and culture are vital to its success
  • The roles and responsibilities of an NHS board
  • The difference (and similarities) between the NHS and local government

The workshops will include plenary presentations, case studies and smaller group working, enabling delegates to learn with other people from across the country.


John Thorpe is Foundation Trust Secretary at Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and formerly Democratic Services Manager at Leicester City Council.

Matthew Kane is Associate Director of Corporate Affairs at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and formerly Governance Manager/Deputy Monitoring Officer at two district councils in north Derbyshire.

Date and time

Workshop One – Monday 16th September 2024, 1.30pm-4.30pm
Workshop Two – Monday 23rd September 2024, 1.30pm-4.30pm


  • ADSO Member rate – £110 + VAT per person to attend the course
  • Non-ADSO Member rate – £160+ VAT per person to attend the course

How to book a place 

To book a place please use the online booking form via the link below.  Terms and conditions for booking can be found here.

Booking requirements

  • A purchase order number is required for all bookings.  Please make the PO out to ADSO.  Courses cannot be attended if a purchase order is not received.
  • A hardcopy of the purchase order is required.
  • Please provide us with your ADSO Membership number (if applicable)
  • A few days after booking you will receive a calendar invite for the workshop(s).  Please note that your email address will be visible to all participants unless you advise us otherwise.
  • Please send the above information to adsotraining@emcouncils.gov.uk. 






Sold out!


16 Sep 2024


1:30 PM - 4:30 PM



Virtual Event


Virtual via Zoom


East Midlands Councils