Cllr Development Charter

Cllr Development Charter

What is the Charter and Charter Plus?

The Charter provides a national framework for councillor development that is flexible to reflect the local context.


The purpose of the Councillor Development Charter and Charter Plus is to:

  • Encourage councils to develop (or build on) an effective strategy or approach to councillor development.
  • Recognise those councils that have developed an effective approach.
  • Encourage councils to continue that development and share their experiences and learning.
  • Support the continuous professional development for councillors.
Many councils are already doing great work – the Charter is a chance for this to be recognised. The Charter does not dictate what should be in a Council’s councillor development strategy, the nature of the content or the delivery mechanisms that should be used. The emphasis is on ensuring that all councillors are appropriately developed and supported so that they can be effective in their roles. The first step to accreditation is to commit to working towards the Charter. The Charter and Charter Plus were revised in 2020 to ensure they remain relevant and useful to councils and councillors. Benefits from the Charter process are seen in terms of organisational systems and cultures, positive impacts on councillors and on the community and stakeholders.

Support and Further Information

EMC provides tailored support to councils who wish to seek and/or retain accreditation.