Pay & Rewards Post: School Support Staff

Pay & Rewards Post: School Support Staff

The School Support Staff Negotiating Body (SSSNB) became a Statutory Body on 12 January 2010.

The SSSNB is required to agree a pay and conditions framework for school support staff in the maintained sector.  Subject to ratification by the Secretary of State, agreements will apply to all maintained schools in England.

Under the terms of the Act the SSSNB will cover:

Any person employed under a contract of employment:

(a) by the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority in England;

[this is intended to cover support staff in foundation and voluntary aided schools where the governing body is the employer] or

(b) by a local authority in England to work wholly in a school or schools maintained by a local authority in England.

[this is intended to cover all community and voluntary controlled schools, maintained nursery schools, and pupil referral units (short stay schools)]

Work of the Body

The SSSNB is required to negotiate and seek to reach agreement on matters referred to it by the Secretary of State though the Employers’ and Trade Union Sides are also free to bring other matters to the negotiating table.  The Body has been asked to work on the following:

  • The production of a core contract of employment to cover remuneration, duties and working time.
  • The design of national job role profiles to cover core school support staff roles.
  • The development and production of a method for converting those role profiles into a salary structure.
  • A strategy that will effectively implement the national pay and conditions framework in all schools maintained by local authorities in England including a methodology to manage both transition and steady state.

Most Recent Circular:

The most recent national circular SSSNB 4 Circular March 2010

Information Pack for School Support Staff Negotiating Body Members

SSSNB Information Pack – 16 March 2010

Further detailed information can be found in the SSSNB section of the Office of Manpower Economics’ website at: