

Craftworkers Pay Claim 2022-23

On 12 July 2022 the National Employers received a pay claim in respect of local authority Craftworkers. The claim seeks:

  • An increase of RPI + 2 per cent on all pay elements
  • An annual retention payment
  • Reduction in working hours to a 35-hour week, with no loss of earnings
  • Minimum standby payment across all councils
  • One additional annual leave day for all operatives, plus one further day on all other holiday rates that depend on service
  • 100 per cent increase on Tool Allowance
  • Increase in Tool Insurance
  • Compulsory CSCS Training for all Red Book Operatives
  • Maintain and improve Red Book Terms and Conditions
  • Payment for charging Phones, Laptops, Power Tools, Cars

You will of course be aware that agreement has not yet been reached on the Employers’ full and final pay offer (1.75 per cent on all pay rates and allowances, which covers the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022) which was made on 27 July last year and subsequently rejected by the unions. On receipt of this claim at 1030 (12.7.22), the National Employers asked the unions to confirm their position in respect of the unresolved 2021 pay round.  At time of writing, they have not responded. The National Employers will be meeting on 25 July to consider this and the respective pay claims received from representatives of Green Book employees, Chief Executives and Chief Officers.  A copy of the claim can be found here .