This Annual Report is a summary of our work over the past 12 months and provides EMC with an opportunity to account to its membership for the work undertaken on its behalf. We continually strive to improve and widen our service offer to the sector and to deliver against the membership’s agreed priorities.
The Annual Report covers the full breadth of EMC’s offer, including proposals for greater investment and infrastructure funds, our work on HS2, providing focused member and officer development programmes and our role as the Regional Employers’ Organisation; as well as taking forward the management of important refugee and asylum resettlement programmes.
Looking back over the past year, it was one dominated by the sector’s response to Covid-19. The way in which the sector has responded should be applauded and EMC has continued to direct its resources to supporting its membership throughout this challenging time.
As an ‘all-member organisation’; we routinely offered all councillors and officers in the region opportunities to attend our briefing, skills development and training events. There have been over 2300 councillors and officer places taken throughout the year.
We have continued to offer advice, access to low cost services and capacity support to our member councils – and all councils in membership accessed at least one of these discounted services during 2020/21, with EMC delivering savings on behalf of its member councils estimated to be £548,000.
The EMC annual report is available from here: